4Industry News

There are many factors that need to be considered when selecting wire to board connector, among which environmental parameters are one of the most important elements, including temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc. In different environmental conditions, the use of line to line connector is not the same, the following gives us some tips for the use of extreme environment.

1. High temperature environment

The metal and insulating materials of wire to wire connector determine the working environment temperature of connector. High temperature will damage the edge material, resulting in the decline of insulation resistance and withstand voltage function; for metals, high temperature can make the touch pair lose elasticity, accelerate oxidation and coating deterioration. The normal ambient temperature is - 40 ~ 80 ℃, and higher may be required in special occasions.

2. Temperature environment

The experiment of humidity drastic change is to imitate the practical application of wire-to-wire connector in cold environment to warm environment, and perhaps to simulate the rapid change of ambient temperature of spacecraft and detector. Temperature fluctuations may cause cracks or delamination of insulating materials.

wire to board connector

3. Thin air environment

In the high altitude with thin air, the plastic emits gas to pollute the touch pair, and the tendency of corona is increased, the withstand voltage function is decreased, and the short circuit fault occurs in the circuit. When a certain value is reached at high altitude, the function of plastic becomes worse. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the rating when using the unsealed connector at high altitude.

4. Humid environment

The relative humidity is more than 80%, which is the main factor of electric breakdown. Wet environment causes the absorption and dispersion of water vapor on the surface of insulator, which makes the insulation resistance drop below m Ω. Long time exposure to high humidity environment will lead to physical deformation, differentiation and escape of products, respiratory effect, electrolysis, corrosion and cracks. Especially for the line-to-line connector outside the equipment, it is often necessary to consider the environmental conditions of moisture, water penetration and pollution, and in this case, the sealed connector should be selected.

5. Corrosive environment

According to the application of wire to wire connector in different corrosive environments, the connector made of corresponding metal, plastic and coating, such as the connector used in salt spray environment, will rapidly deteriorate the function if there is no anticorrosive metal surface. In the environment rich in SO2, it is not suitable to use silver plated touch pair connector. Mold is also an important problem in hot and humid areas.